jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

St Patrick’s Day

1. When is St Patrick’s Day? The St Patrick´s Day is on the 17th on March.

2. Why is this day celebrated as St Patrick’s Day? Because this day he died.  

3. Where is it celebrated? We celebrate in all around the world.

4. When was St Patrick born? St Patrick born in the fourth century.

5. What happened to St Patrick at the age of 16?  When he was 16 he was kidnapped and sold as a slave at this age by Irish marauders.

6. What did the saint see as his ‘calling’? When he was kidnapped he knew that his ‘calling’ was to try and convert all the pagans in Ireland to Christianity.

7. What is a shamrock? Shamrocks are three-leaved clovers found growing in patches  on grass.

8. What use did St Patrick make of the shamrock? You are thought to be lucky if you find a four-leaved clover.

9. What is a leprechaun? The leprechauns are little Irish fairies, and they are thought to work as shoe-makers for other fairies.

10. What should you do if you meet a leprechaun?  The Irish say that if a leprechaun is caught by a human, he will reveal where he hides his pot of gold.

11. Where is the blarney stone and what is special about it? The world famous Blarney Stone is on the top story. It is said that if one kisses this stone, one will be given the gift of eloquence, meaning to have beautiful speaking abilities

12. What does the word ‘blarney’ mean today? Speaking properly.

13. Did St Patrick drive all the snakes out of Ireland? Yes, he is known for driving the snakes out of Ireland.

14. What should you wear on St Patrick’s Day? You should go dressed in green.

15. What do children do on St Patrick’s Day? Children have a tradition of pinching their friends who don’t wear green on this day.

16. What do people traditionally eat on St Patrick’s Day? The traditionally eat is bacon and cabbage and Irish soda bread and potato pancakes.

17 .What do pub owners do on St Patrick’s Day? The owners of pubs put green food colouring into their beers and traditional Irish Guinness Stout is a sell out in all Irish
pubs and  the people  drink lots of Irish coffee.

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Noticias Física y quimica.


"Europa suspende el comercio de CO2 por un robo informático".


Me parece muy bien que se suspenda el comercio ya que ha surgido un robo y no se puede perder dinero. Pero creo que se debería poner más seguridad en estos casos tan importantes.

"Las especies invasoras provocaron una extincion masiva".


Pienso que deberiíamos cuidar las especies en epligro de extinción por que algunas se extinguen solas con el paso del tiempo asique habrá que cuidar mas los seres vivos que nos rodean.

 "Pastillas para soportar la vida".

Pienso que estas pastillas se deberían usar solo para los problemas mas importantes que tengmos  y no exagerar las etapas de nuestra vida como la menopausia a no ser que de enfermedades mas impoortantes
pienso que un  caso exagerado es la calvicie ya que es un problema fisico y en el mundo hay enfermedades
mas importantes que un simple hecho de nuestro fisico.


"Inundaciones por nuestra culpa".


Estoy de acuerdo en que la lluevia es bien mal distribuido y que nos hace mucha falta. Pienso que deberiamos cuidar mas el medio ambiente y reducir las emisones de los gases que contaminan nuestra atmosfera y el ambiente en el que vivimos.

"Cancún fue un paso muy pequeño para el planeta"


Me gusta la manera en que se han reducido las emisiones y creo que si cada pais pusiese mas de su parte llegariamos a reducir mas del 40º/.
Creo que Cancún ha hecho un gran esfuerzo del que todos deberiamos de tomar ejemplo.
Así podriamos intervenir en mejorar nuestra economía ya que estamos pasando una época de crisis.

"Una empresa de licencias envía 3o.ooo cartas a centros educativos españoles".


Estoy en total desacuerdo con la ley Sinde ya que me parece un caso extremo no dejar dar clase con los planes de estudios hechos y prohibir ver películas u obras literarias.
Me parece perfecto que con esas cartas se pueda ver las peliculas  para ampliar las clases y mejorar el estudio de las mismas.

jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010


a.Princess Diaries

1. What is a princess?
A princess is a woman, the daughter of a king or a queen and dairy maybe a princess marrying a prince

2. What does a princess look like?
A princess is pretty, kind, friendly, nice and good person

3. What does a princess do?
Take care of  her children and attends openings

4. Are there any princess in your country? Describe them.
Princess Letizia is thin and not very high. has short hair is blond and brown skin.She has two daughters, Leonor and Sofia. She is married to Prince Philip. She works with her husband and sometimes alone.

5. Do you know of any other princesses?
Yes. The princess Caroline of Mónaco and Mary of Dinamarck.

 b. Mia´s feelings for the people around her change during the story.-Describe how they change, and wher in the book they start to change.

3. Would you like to be a princess or a prince? Or would it cause too many problems? Write a list of the good things and the bad things about being a princess or prince.
No I wouldn´t to be a princess.
Good things: I would have a lot of money and a big house where they would live very well with my family
Bad things: My life would be controlled by the media and should attend conferences and interviews.

4. Write a diary entry for Mia one year in the future:
- Where is she living? She is living in a big house with her family
- What things is she doing?She is working of teacher.
- Does she have a boyfriend? She doesn´t have boyfriend because she will get married
- Is she happy? Yes she is very happy because she has everything she wants
- What things can she write in her diary but not say in real life? She can write her feelings and her day and day.